Parental Alienation- This is serious and it is real and includes all of your family members including grandparents. While your wife is using the her players to keep you from seeing your kids equally and allowing them to know both parents in a loving way, she is doing all she can to bias your kids against you. This starts from the day you make it known you want to divorce or the day she decides to divorce you and wants to move away making it logistically or financially impossible to have regular contact with them. Who do you think keeps the kids primarily when the home splits up? It’s the woman. She will decide when you can see your kids until you can get into a courtroom and have a judge decide on permanent custody. If there is no violence in the home or any danger to the kids, you aren’t getting an emergency hearing as to custody and must wait in line for your court date. While this is going on, if you have a spouse whose intention it is to fight your request for equal custody, you will see signs of parental alienation. When she does allow you to see your kids for a weekend, instead of encouraging it, the kids are made to feel scared to see you and your time is rushed and uneasy. The signs can be subtle and can be direct and even used against grandparents of the kids who have no part in reason why you got divorced. Women will testify in court that they don’t want their kids seeing the paternal grandparents causing great emotional harm. You must recognize this and pray that a Judge will take it seriously when you do get your hearing. Do not believe that it will stop because motions to change custody can be made anytime under the right circumstances and expect your wife to know the system and do all she can to use it to her advantage. She will employ lawyers, medical professionals, the school system, and anything she can if her goal is to destroy you financially and ruin your relationship with your kids.