Wife-Once this process starts, and usually way before either of you decide to file for divorce, your wife has plotted out tactics to take as much money as possible from you and deprive you of equal time with your kids. Its about money and getting as much from you as possible. Whether you have $1,000.00 in assets or $1,000,000.00, she wants as much as she can get and wants you mentally destroyed. She wants as much custody of the kids as possible because it gets her more money. The fact you are a good dad means nothing. The Truth means nothing. If you go to court, watch her voice suddenly change into a Marilyn Monroe sounding voice or a Christine Blassey Ford victim voice. They are pros at fooling judges who are already biased for the mom by playing victim at every opportunity possible. If you are the one that asked for divorce, what you face will be even worse as there is no truer statement than “Hell Hath no Fury like a Woman scorned”. Do not underestimate even the most quiet of women to show herself as a seasoned divorce pro as your divorce and custody issues play out.