When I get asked a lot by friends and clients why they couldn't spot their wife's behavior or her characteristics until it was too late, I just shake my head. Their wives had left them or behaved so bad the man had no choice but to leave, cheated on them, filed for divorce, or all of the above and they wanted to know why after the fact. Some of them wonder why they are still married and their wife is indifferent towards them yet wont leave the house.
The reasons are many but what men often fail to see are basic and right in front of their face. A man thinks because he makes a lot of money, has a prestigious job title, is a great father, and handles his business as a man that his wife will reciprocate. They do not and men must be taught to spot the behavior so they can fully understand that their wife no longer loves them(or never did), is being unfaithful, or is about ready to divorce him and take everything he ever worked for all while denying him equal custody of his kids. You cant change what kind of person your wife truly is even if she managed to fake it for years and you certainly cant change how she is acting day to day after she no longer sees you as anything more than a wallet. However, you can be aware of some basic things so you know you need to take action or prepare for what is coming which is Divorce. Here are 50 Red Flags Men Need to Look For in their Wife Immediately After Marrying her to see how likely and when he is going to divorce. The more of these you see from your wife, the odds are your marriage wont last 10 years and will barely last 5 years or however long it takes for her to fake sex with you to get the number of kids she needs to maximize her financial payout. Some are so obvious but men still miss them. The more of these you see in your relationship, the sooner you need to file for divorce because she is planning it already. If you are currently going through a divorce or have been through one, 90 percent of these would apply to you. Here they are: 1. Represses her sexuality with you or is bad in bed ie she cheats and or shows no interest in sex with you. People with good sex lives do not end up in Divorce court so this will always be number one. 2. Has no desire to work a full time job. 3. Car or residence is dirty and she does not care especially if you are paying the rent or mortgage. 4. Spends too much time on a computer (late at night or while you are home often chatting with undesirable men or watching or writing porn), on the phone, or with social media. 5. Has Student loans especially for a worthless degree. 6. Drinks too much or has medications for anxiety or depression all while downplaying how much she drinks or how long she has been on medication. 7. Her Family isnt enthusiastic to see her very often 8. Votes Democrat 9. Prior Marriage. Dont ever have your first marriage be to someone who has been married before. You see marriage differently from day one and are doomed to fail because she no longer places value in it even if she ever did. 10. Likes to go the gym or work out but isnt enthusiastic about you going or doing it with her. 11. Values friends and strangers over you including being willing to do things for them such as run errands, loan them money, and an overall enthusiasm for them versus her own husband. 12. Narcisistic Traits(Google the term as there 100 or more of them that I wont list) 13. Uses your kids as props and constantly brags about their appearance or achievements to others all while devaluing your contribution to their upbringing. 14. She is indifferent towards her father and her relationship with him 15. Will not help with yardwork or has no desire to make your home look better. 16. Hides her phone from you or will not leave it out in the open on a table etc while you are in the room. 17. Watches too many hours of man hating television shows like Sex and the City and The Real Housewives of Wherever. 18. Spends based on your income and not hers. 19. Has a separate checking account where she puts her paycheck or money her family sends her but uses your checkbook or account to pay the household bills. 20. No Tears when she cries when you have a dispute or discuss your relationship 21. Wedding ring came off right after the wedding and you arent sure when she last wore it. 22. Constantly shames you, often in a subtle way or with sarcasm. 23. Tells stories to her friends about how you mentally abuse her to gain sympathy. 24. Gains weight and blames you for it. If you like bigger girls and married her as a bigger girl, she will instead lose weight and start flirting with all the men who are giving her attention. 25. The kids are afraid of her and dont respect her. 26. Wants to go to counseling 27. Uses the school system to get her smartest kid labeled as ADHD to take the focus off her inability to be a parent. 28. Knows exactly where all your assets are including bank accounts and property, including property you hadnt thought about in years but has value and can quote its value to anyone who asks. 29. Hangs out with low level people who put her on a pedestal. 30. You are a successful man and she makes fun of your success because she wants your value repressed. 31. Emotional Indifference toward any concern or worry you have about anything. 32. Fakes a pregnancy and then claims a miscarriage for sympathy. 33. Is not enthusiastic when she gets pregnant other than maybe for the first kid. She didnt want that second and or third kid with you. They were accidents or planned with finances based in mind. This decision to place money over family is what leads to or contributes to her alcoholism and depression. 34. Prefers her mother, sister, or best friend over you to be in the delivery room when she births your child. 35. One or more of your children don't look anything like you. 36. Vacations with each other become less and less frequent 37. She is the one checking the mailbox and you never seem to get anything that isnt a bill. 38. Things you own start to disappear. 39. You no longer eat dinner together or on that rare occasion where you sit down for a meal together, she gets up and leaves the table when she finishes leaving you there alone to finish. 40. Does not want you involved in the kids activities or to spend alone time with them when she is around. 41. She adopts other people to take the place of your parents ie befriends people a lot older than her and involves that person in decisions or activities that should be reserved for family. 42. Girls nights out increases while date night with you decreases. 43. Volunteers or works part time where men frequent ie gym, bar, kids school. 44. Is suddenly a money launderer ie buys things that can be disguised as a disposable asset or made to disappear so when you separate, she has a slew of assets known only to her. 45. Has an extra cell phone used to talk to other men who she has given her phone number to. You dont even know it exists and she uses the checking account you never see to pay for it. 46. Cheats on you saying she was drunk or that the man took advantage of her and says it was only a one time thing. It wasnt, trust me. Shes probably done a lot worse and likely has sexual fantasies or interactions with men of a different culture who she would never be seen in public with. 47. Stays up late at night without coming to bed to avoid physical contact or intimacy with you. 48. Does not like to be at home with you alone so will always have a visit to a friends house or social activity scheduled at all times she knows you will be home. 49. Wont text or call you during the day while you are at work and is slow to respond if at all to any texts you might send to her during the day. 50. Is offended if you want her to send you sexy pictures on the phone but she is probably sending them to some random dude she is talking to she met online or at the gym. These are just 50 to get you thinking. The more of these that apply to you, the more you are likely headed to divorce court if you arent there already. Pay attention gentleman, your wife is doing some or all of these things and you need to learn how to spot them and start prepping your financial exit. Dont ignore the obvious like I did for so long. Comments are closed.
AuthorThe Red Devil Archives
April 2021
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