When you get divorced or become involved in a huge child custody battle, even a mentally strong person can get lost in the process and do things they later regret or that becomes detrimental to their health. One of the biggest mistakes any divorced man can make is to put himself on anti depressants.
More so than men, women can be on anti depressants with little to no effect on their behavior. This is the case because most women are mentally ill, borderline personalities, emotionally dead, and unable to control their own behavior. Their goal in relationships is to love opportunistically while making fun of the mans idealistic beliefs when it comes to relationships and marriage. They have no ability to deal with day to day problems and if things get bad, they run to the doctor and get put on anti depressants. These drugs destroy what little humanity they have and if you marry one of these borderline women, not only is she going to destroy you emotionally, the belief in the need for anti depressants will get passed on to your kids and you will soon think they might help you. Medical professionals encourage and promote the use of psychedelic drugs because they simply don't want to deal with your issues. Its pacify, prescribe, and profit. Let me give you a little background to help you understand how anti depressants can destroy your life. Imagine you are Captain Save a Hoe and you meet a gorgeous woman who is a little weird and when you get her background you know she isn't telling you the whole story. Her lies are obvious but not significant enough to keep you from trying to wife her up because her beauty, your shallowness, and your desire for kids and a family is slowly approaching a realistic deadline before you become a middle aged Uncle Creepy walking around in Affliction shirts. One thing you do find out about this woman is that she is on anti depressants. Was she molested, raped, beaten, or had some other life trauma that might justify the need for these drugs(and yes there are rare situations where anti depressants are needed)? You didn't get the indication that was the case. She was just sad from her lack of career, bad prior relationship, or just the genes of crazy. Her family doctor gladly referred her to a Pull Pusher with an M.D. who writes prescriptions like he was selling Girl Scout Cookies outside a Safeway or Harris Teeter. They made her life only "rainbows" and "butterflies" and any of life's difficulties were ignored or pushed onto her new man who was going to take the burden of two lives while being an earner, a father, and an all around great beta guy who wanted his beautiful wife happy. The things men will do for a beautiful woman and or kids is off the charts and women know this. Part of a mans educational process is to eliminate this mindset but it is still very much a part of who we are. Fast forward a few years where it becomes clear you married a horrible woman and she is destroying you emotionally and you are going to get divorced. The process is going to be brutal and in addition to trying save your assets and get equal access to your kids, you have to survive mentally and find yourself. You are lost. She isn't. She's getting the house and the kids and you are the one leaving whether it be by choice or not. Your life will change. Her life only changes in that you are no longer in the house. She's not done with you either. She's going to use her kids to destroy you emotionally by damaging them because she wants you to be as miserable as she is and on the same medications she is on. Once the divorce takes place, blame needs to be placed by these type of women. If you didn't beat her, managed the money right, and didn't have another woman lined up to cause you to leave, what is she going to tell her friends and family? How does she gain sympathy and play victim? She will return to her Pill Pusher for drugs for her depression from the shock divorce she forced and secretly wanted. She starts bringing her kids to a counselor "because of the divorce". The counselor grins ear to ear as she bills someone to ask their kids how their day is after spending 45 minutes of the hour session talking to the mom about her issues. The court will probably make you pay for it even though the kids say they don't need it because despite leaving their mom, you didn't leave them and are a great dad who talks to his kids. The wife does not confront problems, she passes them on to others and acts like a child herself so she can get help on how to parent or deal with her own mental issues while claiming this help is for the kids. This counseling will go on for years because its how these women handle difficulty. She then might up the ante if you aren't breaking down mentally. She will openly solicit another mental health professional to get your kid diagnosed with ADHD or some other vague mental disorder that is only designed to destroy the kids self esteem. The kid is separated from classmates and given extra time to do school work. The label is there and the child loses self esteem, maybe gets suicidal thoughts, or harms themselves because of the devaluation. The mom then takes the kid to the pill pusher and puts the kid on Zoloft or some other drug to level off the behavior. They need someone to blame for their kids problems. Your child is now a zombie whose brain and self esteem is being destroyed by the mom because she hates herself, now hates you, and will destroy your kid out of revenge or simply because the mom is mentally damaged and does not know how to parent. Your kid is now on a train filled with medication that she cannot get off of and if any issues exist in school the medication is upped and she becomes her mother never having a chance to grow into the great kid you knew she could be. The court isn't going to help you. Its a vicious circle of child abuse encouraged by a mentally damaged parent and ignored by Judges in the family court system. If mom hires a doctor to say your kid needs medication or is a slow learner because they struggle in math, no judge is going to order mom not to put the kid on medication. These pill pushers make so much money they would give Xanax to your newborn baby if you asked them to do it. While you spiral out of control dealing with all of this, you can easily end up doing what many men do. They get on the same antidepressants which can have all sorts of side effects like weight gain, porn addiction, and an overall state of sloth that makes you unattractive to women. Remember you removed the woman from your life. She's gone . You now need to find yourself. You now see that you were the one that made the changes for the woman while she made little to no change for you. You have a life to live. You aren't dead. You need to be at your strongest. Before you consider any type of medication to help you deal with all the negativity that comes with divorce, remove all the assholes from your life. The wife was the first one. Remove the rest. Completion of this task should eliminate any need you have for anti depressants. If you still feel sad, call your life coach. Call your most trusted friend. Work on yourself. Do whatever you need to do to better yourself so as time passes and you heal, you are ready to meet new women with confidence. Anti depressants should have no part in your life and do not let anyone. even a pill pushe, tell you they are needed. The men that come through the divorce and get their life back are the ones that fight the negativity through positive action. It is not easy but don't be the guy who gets fat, gets drunk, and turns into the biggest jerk because you cant deal with issues. She's gone. No matter how your divorce turns out financially, you win the divorce war by being even better than you were while you were married. Let the wife be on the medication. Let the wife mentally abuse her kids and destroy their self esteem. You do the opposite for them. Do all you can to keep them off the medication mom wants them on. Do all you can to make them successful in school. Spend the money to make the biased Judge tell you your kids need special help in school or even deprive them out of educational opportunities. Encourage your kids. Be the Alpha male and not the Beta male you were while you were married. Your kids will see it and respect you as a father. They may even decide they want to live with you and not the mom who acts like she has it all together when really she does not and is a mess trying to keep her lies and deceptions straight. If you are heading down this path of thinking about medication or anti depressants, pick up the phone and call Men United. Life is better without these drugs. Comments are closed.
AuthorThe Red Devil Archives
April 2021
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