Men aren't too bright. We could literally see something and ignore it while convincing ourselves we didn't see it. We cannot admit or accept our wife no longer desires us and actually will do things to impress other men while still married to us. The dumber she thinks we are, the more bold she will get often putting her bad behavior right in front of us. What are we going to do when this starts to happen? If we luck into figuring out something is wrong and speak up, do you think she will just stop with the behavior? Not only is it too late to save the marriage, we will just get accused of being insecure and controlling further devaluing ourselves in her eyes and our own. If we aren't able to see what is going on she will literally do it right in front of our face. What are we going to do? Are we going to just leave and give up half or more of our stuff while losing regular access to our kids? Don't forget the vaginamoney we will have to pay even though we would no longer get use of the vagina. For most men that is probably not much of a change because if the bad behavior is going on, you likely aren't touching the vagina any longer. Your wife knows the law better than most lawyers and because the family law system is so against men, she likely believes you don't have the courage to take action because even in the best of circumstances, you are going to lose way more than she ever will.
As a man you need to wake up and spot the signs that your wife no longer wants you so you can control how the marriage ends from a legal standpoint. Men tend to think that if the woman isn't filing for divorce she still wants him. Men believe this even if the wife is living the life of a single person. When and where a potential affair might occur is not going to be your main concern early in the break up period. A man should understand and react to the subtle and blatant in your face disrespect shown by his wife. Recognizing the behavior allows a man to take control of when the divorce occurs or be less shocked when it does if she beats you to it. While the man is out working his tail off for his family, his wife is preparing for divorce and the disrespectful behavior is just part of the process. Even with the tough odds, a man still needs to be fully aware and have a lawyer on retainer. If you don't have a clue what I am trying to explain, look at how women handle themselves. When someone says they go to the gym 3-4 times a week, that does not mean they are in shape. It does not even mean they actually exercise. If you are a single man and on the dating sites, it seems like more than half of the women like to tell you they go to the gym 3-4 times a week. This is likely something they did while married for affirmation and to help push their divorce. These women have no muscle tone and most of them are actually fat. This is not said to shame them as some men like bigger women and they can be desirable. I mention it so you men who have wives who are bit thick or don't have an ounce of muscle on them understand that your wife is not at the gym to exercise. She's there to get attention from men and she will get it whether she just chats while faking an exercise on machine she cant even set up for use. She will get attention while also flirting with the dudes who actually go there to exercise. With little time and effort, she will have a boyfriend in a heartbeat. It might start out as him showing her how to exercise with the proper form to leaving the gym early for a drink or rendezvous. Her husband has no clue, He's just glad his wife is getting a break from the kids and her pig sty of a house. Men can be so clueless that while this is going on, he suddenly finds his wife taking up running when she does not even have a runners body and hasn't run in her life. Do you think one of the dudes she met at the gym is a runner? Hmmm. Wake up men. It is probably happening right in front of you. In addition to trying to be more physically active to impress Chad the Player from the gym, suddenly she wants to go to the mall, a place she hasn't been since before she met you and 90210 was popular. Why does she want to go there? She wants some perfume, yes perfume. This is the stuff she hasn't worn in your presence since your first date. She isn't going to go Walmart to get this perfume. She is going to the mall where the bored housewives in white smocks sell the high end stuff. She will probably ask you to go with her just to screw with you mentally. She's buying perfume you see. You might even be so stupid to think that is done for you. It isn't and to make matters worse the charge for the overpriced stuff will be on your credit card. If you haven't read the suicide post switch over and read it now because this is probably your life. Your marriage is over and you aren't seeing it. In addition to working out(have you ever seen an unfaithful giant breasted woman run?) and smelling nice for some dude, she starts to dress differently too. Since you got married she stopped dressing nice for you and she wants revisit that to attract other men.. Say what you want about her character, you hopefully married your wife because you were attracted to her. That probably hasn't changed. The problem is you haven't seen the woman you married. She might be in your house, but she isn't being sexy for you, she's wearing baggy sweatshirts, and coming to bed with lots of layers of clothing on except for the nights where she puts some perfume on and stays up all night on the computer talking dirty to her friend Chad. That sexy lingerie she has in her drawer next to the handcuffs isn't coming out for you(and probably never has right guys?), but she's now suddenly wearing the tight sweaters that reminds you of some of the reasons you married her. This isn't for your pleasure. Its because she is thinking of Chad from the gym and what he does to her or what she hopes he will do soon. The femininity she put away long ago is now coming out. Her confidence is sky high and you the husband is clueless. My point is that by the time this behavior and behavior like it starts to even slightly happen, your marriage is over. Men need to recognize it so they can take the best action possible to have the divorce happen when they want it to her on her terms. You want her to put on the sexy workout gear and go spend a few hours at the gym while you empty the house out by surprise and leave a note saying your lawyer will be in touch. Ignoring it is going to allow her to leave when she is ready. Just because she is disrespecting you and your marriage does not mean the divorce will be filed soon. Maybe she wants to enjoy her life while you are footing the bills, or maybe she needs to be married long enough to you to get certain government benefits before she leaves. She will leave on her terms and she knows what she is doing. The fact she flaunts the bad behavior in front of you means she sees you as an idiot or a man she believes would never leave her no matter what. If she does not want to be with you but isn't sure of your level of awareness or courage to take the lead in a divorce, she may be more subtle with this behavior. If these facts made you stop and think about how your wife is behaving day to day in your marriage, hopefully you now understand when your marriage is over and that you must take action to control the divorce and the damage that will be done to you. The man should always be the one to file for the divorce even if he does not want to be divorced. Recognize the behavior gentlemen and hire a lawyer who has lived it so you can get the right advice to time the next step once your wife has started behaving in a way where she is telling you your marriage is over and probably has been for a long time. Comments are closed.
AuthorThe Red Devil Archives
April 2021
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