For you white knight beta men and feminist women, especially those who have been through a divorce, who want to contact MenUnited and say we are just bitter and angry men who got divorce raped or left by a woman and we spew nothing but hate, you are clearly missing the message of what we do and how we see women.
Our goals are to prepare men for marriage and divorce with the hope they never have to divorce. No one wants to get divorced but your normal male is not going to simply go monk mode by choice even after a bad divorce. Telling men not to marry or have kids because ours failed yet we have kids who we enjoy is pretty stupid. Telling men not to have kids because women control family courts is also stupid. There is nothing worse than some middle aged dude whose wife left him who now spews a MGTOW lifestyle like hes now the king of the world. It is pathetic and an embarrassment to what it means to be a man. Its almost as bad listening to young men who have been filled with so much negativity of the bitter men saying they are MGTOW and not getting married. But what about having kids these young men ask? Simply saying use a surrogate or just have some bastard kids goes not only against a moral system that many of us follow, but the destruction of the family unit via procreation is never a good thing for a society who wants to be above everyone else. The world has changed however that cannot be ignored and you cannot go into a marriage or start having kids without understanding the risk and the power the wife has especially if you make a good living or are a high dollar earner. There is more at risk for men both emotionally and financially because women simply are not loyal. Their hypergamy is on full display even after marriage because they are educated as to the family court system. In a world where the Ward and June Cleaver household is pretty much dead because its the rare man who can provide for a household without his wife working. Women also don't value what it means to be a stay at home mom and take care of a family. I used to think Generation X was the last generation where men and women still saw the importance of the family over all else. The way people treat each other and how kids are supposed to be raised still had a foundation in the core of this age group as it was their parents who stayed married forever and showed very little disrespect to each other when compared to the modern 21st century woman who is in a marriage or relationship. I am thinking now that it may have been the parents of the Generation Xers who last implemented these values when it may not have been the easy way to live. My parents stayed married their whole lives and faced many tragedies and difficulties yet as far as I know divorce was never discussed. My mom stayed at home and raised the kids and only took on a career once the kids were in high school. It wasn't because we were rich. In fact my father was poorer than I ever imagined and he could have used my moms income. The fact is their value system was one like many in those days. Dad worked. Mom stayed at home. It wasn't the perfect family but I had a top notch child hood with very few material things. Many parents, including parents of my friends had situations where maybe the dad was mentally abusive or unfaithful and the wife ignored it. The women were not outspoken and most importantly didn't blatantly disrespect the husband like women do now. This did not mean they didn't speak up or try to better themselves. Divorce was also rare because financially it would kill both parents and the kids even more so than it does today. The kids got their values but the economic and social changes pushed this lifestyle away and men who were kids during this time did not learn and adjust. Many of them get married and have kids like their father but married women who are nothing like their mother in their behavior and thinking. My father did not have to experience the modern day nature of a wife that would likely have caused him to drink himself silly or commit suicide if he had to face what the men of today must face in terms of women and behavior. We as men must overcome that and learn to control our relationship mindset This is where MenUnited comes in. We use our experience to prepare men for marriage and divorce. We did not have fathers who knew how to educate us as to the ways of women and the cost of divorce. They either never experienced it or if they did, they didnt talk to their sons. Their sons married women who have no problem showing what they are unlike our mothers who put the family first. We are not anti woman or anti family and certainly dont want to be the fat guy in a lawn chair sitting in his backyard or man cave playing video games talking about how life screwed them over.No matter our experience, we still like to enjoy the company of women yet we enjoy them on our terms and are mature enough to walk away from even the most beautiful of women who still want to date us despite our past relationship experiences that left us battered emotionally by someone we loved and financially destroyed by a family court system who does not value fathers. Young men need to be taught how to be married and when to do it. Why does it make sense to get married young versus waiting until you are in your mid 30s? Why is having kids still one of the most important things a man can do? These are lessons taught by MenUnited. We don't say all women are bad and don't ever get married or have kids. If you do get married and have kids and there is still a good chance you will get divorced. You need to plan for that divorce once you get engaged to a woman. My father was as good a man as I have ever met yet he was clueless how to explain the world to me and including the ways of women. If he had, the money it would have saved me and the knowledge he could have provided would have helped me make a better choice at a better time when it came to picking a wife and getting married. Once a man takes the red pill he cant undo it. He may find the pill through experience or the knowledge that is out there like it wasnt before the days of the internet and social media. As men we must now prepare and teach other about life. Unless you do not want kids, marriage and children is vital to a successful and moral society. Stories of divorce, financial rape, and parental alienation should never keep you from marrying and building a family. What the social media age should teach you is when to marry and how to manage your marriage. It should teach you the nature of women so you can pick one where you atleast have a chance to have a solid long term relationship while also knowing that even if you think you got a good one you are likely to be divorced or that you will be living in a marriage of defeat until you die because you dont have the confidence to walk away, which is your only power in a relationship. If you want to read about men complaining why their divorce went bad and that they now embrace the MGTOW life, MenUnited is not your source. If you want to try and understand the nature of women, why they do what they do, and how to anticipate and react to it in the marriage and dating environment, we are your source. If you are married and see divorce as a possibility and didn't prepare for it early on and want to know what to do to minimize the payout and see your kids as much as possible we are your source. A woman's worst enemy is an educated and confident man. Looks and money don't always bring knowledge and confidence even it if brings plenty of women. Without knowledge and confidence even the best looking alpha behaving dominant personality is going to be run over by what is likely a pretty and hypergamous woman. Our job is to educate and help you depending on where you are in your life. Only brutal honesty, which includes specific stories about a specific woman and general descriptions that fit most(there are always exceptions to every general statement) but not all women, in addition to teaching men to think, can help men manage their relationships and divorce. Comments are closed.
AuthorThe Red Devil Archives
April 2021
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